Our vision as a church is to be a family of faith, a movement of people who are being transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the sake of our city and world. We believe gospel transformation happens through an abiding relationship with Jesus in community through five discipleship practices: Word, Prayer, Fellowship, Mission, and Formation. Join us over the next two weeks in a #RealTalk series as we focus on the discipleship practices of the Word and Prayer.
- The Downtown Hope Theology Team
ABIDE | John 15
May 14, 2023 | DAVID BEMPONG
In this message, we focus on the discipleship practice of the Word by abiding in Christ.
LISTEN | 1 Samuel 3
May 21 , 2023 | Joey Tomassoni
We inhabit a world that is becoming increasingly loud with a range of voices vying for our affection. The question is to whose voice will we attune? At the heart of Scripture and the Church’s story is an invitation to a kind of prayer that is not exertive but receptive- not talking but listening to the One Voice who has the power to quiet and reorient our noisy lives into deeper communion with Himself and to know His calling on our lives.