Our vision as a church, of Gospel transformation for the sake of our city and world, is rooted in God’s amazing work of transformation. This transformation occurs through Jesus. It is not a one-time event but a lifelong journey. As a church, we are a living organism built for community centered around the five discipleship practices of the word, prayer + worship, fellowship, mission, formation/obedience. The early followers of Jesus experienced this transformation and were thrust into a movement that impacted their cities and beyond! In 2023, we want to focus on word and prayer. Our hope is that as we are being transformed, the new life of Jesus will spread into the city!
- The Downtown Hope Theology Team
Word + Prayer | Joel 1-2
Jan. 22, 2023 | FROG ORR-ERWING
In this message we close out our #RealTalk series titled Word & Prayer. Frog Orr-Ewing, a friend of Downtown Hope, shares how we can respond to what we see in the world we live in through prayer.
Word + Prayer | John 17.14-17
Jan. 15, 2023 | JACOB SPRINGER
In this message we explore the essential practice of being sanctified in the word. Living on the word of God is a matter of life and death as we battle the enemies of our souls.
Prayer + Anxiety | Phil. 4.6-7
Jan. 8, 2023 | JOEY TOMASSONI
Our heart is constantly being guarded by someone; the question is who. A post-enlightenment inward-focused existence thrusts us into a horrific echo chamber where our internal voice continually attempts to mediate the real pressures of the world. Still, there is no alternative voice - hence the rise of rampant Western culture anxiety. There is, however, an alternative Guardian available, a voice, who, in our moments of anxiety, we can reach out to, speak to, and listen to, through whom our anxiety is absorbed. In this message we walk through Philippians 4.6-7 to explore the power of prayer in our lives.
Word + Prayer
Jan. 1, 2023 | JOHN CAVALLARO
In this message we begin our three-week series focused on God’s Word and our prayer lives.