Amidst the complexities of a changing world and the search for identity, the book of Galatians stands as a beacon, its core message revolving around the profound concept of justification by faith. Paul writes this letter to the churches in Galatia, tackling a specific concern of its time – the danger of adopting a legalistic approach to faith. The historical context of the first-century Roman Empire provides a backdrop where cultural and religious influences burdened the people, creating a tension between adherence to the Mosaic Law and embracing the freedom found in the Gospel.
We also carry burdens, whether they stem from living up to expectations imposed on us or the ones we impose on ourselves. Galatians illuminates the only thing that can free us from the weight we carry in this life. Justification by faith, the divine act achieved through the cross of declaring a person righteous, not by their own merit, but through faith in Jesus. This is the antidote to the burdens of striving to earn approval and self-worth. In a world grappling with the complexities of self-identity and societal expectations, such as the pressure of people pleasing and the pressure to perform, Galatians points to the liberty offered in Jesus, inviting us to find our true identity in the unchanging grace of God. It is the key that breaks the chains of expectations, allowing us to walk freely in God’s grace.
We desire that this Winter, as we study Galatians verse by verse through The Daily, discuss it together in our Groups, and are taught at our Gatherings, we will emerge with a newfound freedom in Christ.
- The Downtown Hope Theology Team
March 17, 2024 | AARON MAYHEW
Relationships are vital to our well-being–they have the power to make or break us. If we’re going to make it through the complexities, challenges, and conflicts we experience in our relationships, it’s critical that we understand why they tend to fracture and how to repair them. Galatians 5:25-26 and 6:1,14 offer us a guide for understanding the source of conflict in our relationships and how the gospel can unburden us from them. Join us this Sunday at 9 and 10:45 am for the last message in our series through Galatians titled Unburdened From Conflict in Relationships.
March 10, 2024 | DAVID BEMPONG
Join us this Sunday as we explore the profound wisdom of Galatians 6:2, where we're reminded to "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." We’ll uncover how we can lighten our burdens and find comfort in community. Come prepared to confront your burdens and discover the strength in vulnerability.
March 3, 2024 | JOEY TOMASSONI
There are character and behavior patterns in all of us, that those closest to us suffer through, that we have not been willing to acknowledge or address. Maybe we don't even know what they are. These patterns, whether direct or indirect, overt or hidden, can inhibit intimacy in our relationships, kill productivity at work, hinder thriving in our homes, and for some of us, have been a significant source of pain in our lives, and for those we love the most. These patterns over time can be the occasion for business partnerships dissolving, marriages unraveling, and families becoming divided for decades. Everyone around you has tried to bring it up, they wish you would listen, but you have been unwilling to hear. Why? Maybe you long to change, but you have been stuck, for years, maybe decades, and you have given up hope, as has everyone around you, that your life can be different.
What hope do we have for real, lasting change?
Join us at our Gatherings this Sunday as Joey walks us through Galatians 5.16-26 to discover why we get stuck in these patterns of our flesh and the most incredible news that real change is available and possible through the gospel of Jesus Christ in the work of his Holy Spirit.
CHILDREN OF THE FREE WOMAN | Galatians 4:21-31
February 25, 2024 | JOHN BARZAL
This week we turn our attention to a fascinating passage of scripture with deep Old Testament roots, Galatians 4:21-31. In this passage, Paul argues that Christians are like Abraham’s son, Isaac, born into freedom and not slavery. Join us as we clarify Paul’s argument and wrestle through what the nature of this freedom is.
February 18, 2024 | DAVID BEMPONG
Join us this Sunday as we explore the profound promise God extends to His children, freeing us from the burden of restlessness. This passage reaffirms our identity in Christ, emphasizing that we are God's children and heirs to His promises. Let's celebrate the richness of this truth and embrace the freedom it brings.
February 11, 2024 | JOEY TOMASSONI
In the last few weeks, we have been walking through the first two chapters of Galatians, where Paul is insistent that the good news of Jesus is that there are no good works or religious activities that can render us righteous before God. Join us this Sunday as Joey walks us through Galatians 3.26-29 to explore one of the most astonishing implications of the truth of the gospel for how we interact with people whom we might consider "other."
LET ME ASK YOU A QUESTION | Galatians 3.1-9
February 4, 2024 | DAVID BEMPONG
Join us this Sunday as we delve into a critical question sparked by Paul's examination of the Galatians' faith journey. Together, we'll reflect on our own experiences and celebrate God’s gracious invitation to us.
THE PERFORMANCE TRAP | Galatians 2.11 - 21
January 28, 2024 | AARON MAYHEW
One of our deepest desires of the human heart is to live a justified life. Deep down we want to live a righteous life; a life that matters. In part, this desire is motivated by the nagging suspicion that no matter how hard we try or how hard we work, we never quite measure up. If we’re not careful, we end up going through life burdened by the pressure to perform and bought into the belief that in order for our lives to really matter we have to get good grades, land the right job, create the right future, marry the right person, or adhere to a certain set of religious beliefs. We’re pushed to perform because of the pressures of our culture, our childhood home, the people we look to for validation, or the pressures we put on ourselves. How can we break free from the performance trap? Join us this Sunday as Aaron walks us through Galatians 2:11-21 and shows us how the gospel is the power to break free from the pressure to perform.
CONTENDING FOR THE GOSPEL | Galatians 1.11 - 2:10
January 21, 2024 | JOEY TOMASSONI
As physical beings, our tendency is to believe that the things we can physically measure or control, like the following of rules, are the things that have the power to justify our existence in the world. For a group in Galatia that depended on following rules for their justification, the message of the gospel that Paul proclaimed was unnerving. This group distorted Paul's message and was troubling (1.7) the church of Galatia by demanding they follow Jewish religious customs. Join us this Sunday as Joey walks us through the end of Galatians chapters 1 and 2, where Paul contends for the gospel he proclaimed and why it was so critical to be preserved for the church of Galatia and us.
UNBURDENED | Galatians 1.1 -10
January 14, 2024 | DAVID BEMPONG
Amidst the complexities of a changing world and the search for identity, the book of Galatians stands as a beacon, its core message revolving around the profound concept of justification by faith. Paul writes this letter to the churches in Galatia, tackling a specific concern of its time – the danger of adopting a legalistic approach to faith. The historical context of the first-century Roman Empire provides a backdrop where cultural and religious influences burdened the people, creating a tension between adherence to the Mosaic Law and embracing the freedom found in the Gospel.
We also carry burdens, whether they stem from living up to expectations imposed on us or the ones we impose on ourselves. Galatians illuminates the only thing that can free us from the weight we carry in this life. Justification by faith, the divine act achieved through the cross of declaring a person righteous, not by their own merit, but through faith in Jesus. This is the antidote to the burdens of striving to earn approval and self-worth. In a world grappling with the complexities of self-identity and societal expectations, such as the pressure of people pleasing and the pressure to perform, Galatians points to the liberty offered in Jesus, inviting us to find our true identity in the unchanging grace of God. It is the key that breaks the chains of expectations, allowing us to walk freely in God’s grace.
We desire that this Winter, as we study Galatians verse by verse through The Daily, discuss it together in our Groups, and are taught at our Gatherings, we will emerge with a newfound freedom in Christ.