“Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
[ Matthew 28:16-20 ]

Kelly & Vicki have served with Youth With A Mission [YWAM] in Ukraine for the past 26 years in the areas of leadership development, education and help for the poor. Even though they continue to serve part-time in Eastern Europe, their work has become a more globally focused ministry with partnerships, teaching appointments and service projects in Canada, USA, Cuba, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Central Asia. Their vision is the Gospel for all nations and all spheres of society in obedience to Jesus and His prayer for God's Kingdom to come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Hussan and Lorien are passionate for Christ and the lost. Their heart is to see generational movements of Muslims coming to know Christ in areas where there is no gospel witness. They are called to the poor and forgotten and are living in one of the poorest neighborhoods of their city. Currently, they are working hard at studying Arabic and building relationships with those around them. This often looks like doing Discovery Bible Studies, meeting physical needs, and PRAYING—knowing that without God's Spirit nothing can be accomplished (Psalm 127:1). They plan to soon move from Jrdan to Eastern Trky to work amongst Turks & refugees. (Hudson and Lauren L. - M115)

There is nothing better than seeing lives changed for Jesus. Jenn and I have the privilege of making that part of our job. We direct the ministry of Cru Military at the United States Naval Academy. We consider the ministry a family affair; it is not uncommon to see my two exuberant, delightful, red-headed kids hanging on the arms of a Midshipmen. Our mission is to see Midshipmen come to know Jesus, grow in their faith and be sent off as highly trained laborers for the great commission.

As a missionary with Youth For Christ, SaraBeth reaches lost 11-19 year-olds whose parents serve in the United States Armed Forces. She and her husband, Luke, know firsthand the joys and trials of this community. Through Campus Life Military, SaraBeth and a team of adults engage military-connected teenagers in the schools near Fort Belvoir, VA. As they love youth through unique life challenges, they seek to give each teenager the opportunity to make an informed decision about Christ.

Joseph and Esther live in Hyderabad, India with their four children: Mazhira, Yana, Timothy and Joézer. They work with International Cultural Bible Ministries (ICBM), a faith-based, non-profit organization working to train pastors, plant churches and engage in community development amongst the unreached tribal peoples of India. ICBM is currently working with more than 30 of India's 640 tribal peoples.
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Our goal is to go to Colombia and become church planters among an unreached people group who live on both sides of the Amazon River along the Colombia/Peru border. We are going to be going to Colombia first to complete our Spanish language study. We will then move to Peru to see where we can minister on that side of the Amazon. We are excited to see what the Lord has in store for us. By the latest estimates, there are 98 people groups in Colombia, about half of which have no church that exists within their distinct people group. Some of these people groups go back and forth between Colombia and Peru because that is where their land is located. We are hoping to work with one such people group from the Peru side.
We are so excited to see how God will use us to draw people to Himself! We cannot wait to move forward and are trusting Him to guide us each step, each day as we work towards the end of everyone being presented “…fully mature in Christ.” (Col. 1:28).

Alisa Jane Hoodikoff is an artist missionary serving with YWAM in Kyiv, Ukraine. After the full scale invasion began in 2022, she heard God calling to host non clinical art therapy sessions for Ukrainian children. It has been a powerful time to build community, bring beauty and hope in the midst of chaos and destruction. Alisa's vision is to bring the hope and light of Jesus through the act of creating.

Jon and Beka live in North Africa with their three small children. Jon teaches at a university and Beka is a Licensed Counselor who specializes in trauma. In the country they serve, 99.9% of the population is Muslim, it is illegal to share your faith, and if you are found doing so you can be imprisoned or kicked out. But because of their jobs, they are able to spend the majority of their time with Muslims, live there legitimately, and spread light in this darkness. They have been in North Africa for 4 years, and are uniquely able to meet students and clients in places of need while sharing the good news along with the love of Jesus in the country.

C works to counter human trafficking with SAVETHEM in Africa. SAVETHEM specializes in training, advising, assisting, and accompanying government agencies and private organizations, helping rescue and restore human trafficking and ritual abuse victims one valuable life at a time. They work with victims of abuse, helping share with them the hope, love, and lordship of Jesus Christ.

Cara Fowler is on staff with Young Life in Anne Arundel County. Originally from Severna Park, she came to accept Christ at a Young Life camp when she was sixteen. “I was forever changed by my Young Life leaders speaking truth into my life and now I get to to do the same at South River High School!” -Cara.
Young Life’s mission statement is “introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.” I have the opportunity to build relationships with high school students and share the the best news ever - that they are justified and redeemed by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful to partner with Downtown Hope in ministry! What an honor to represent the name of Jesus.