A central part of what it means to follow Jesus and a central part of our vision as a church is to have gospel impact beyond the walls of our gatherings–to bring real and effective signs of God’s renewed creation to life the places we live, work, and play.
This message explores Jeremiah 29:1-14 to build a foundation for Gospel impact beyond our church walls.
grace + peace,
The Downtown Hope Theology Team
IMPACT: SALT AND LIGHT | Matthew 5:13-16
A big part of our vision as a church is that our lives would be so shaped by Jesus that the places we live, work, and play would be impacted by the Gospel. Jesus had a way of breaking through the cultural, economic, and religious walls that tend to cause division and polarization. Jesus was not trying to collect a bunch of followers who would buy into an ideology or build a life that would insulate them from the world. He launched a movement with a vision to impact people in communities everywhere. The movement continued through people who patterned their lives after the way of Jesus and were empowered by the Holy Spirit to impact communities beyond the walls of Jerusalem, where it started. Join us this Sunday as we conclude our two-part series entitled Impact, where we are discovering how we can have a Gospel impact beyond our church walls.
IMPACT: THE FOUNDATION | Jeremiah 29:1-14
A big part of our vision as a church is that our lives would be so shaped by Jesus that the places we live, work and play would be impacted by the Gospel. Jesus had a way of breaking through the cultural, economic, and religious walls that tend to cause division and polarization. Jesus was not trying to collect a bunch of followers who would buy into an ideology or build a life that would insulate them from the world. He launched a movement with a vision to impact people in communities everywhere. The movement continued through people who patterned their lives after the way of Jesus and were empowered by the Holy Spirit to impact communities beyond the walls of Jerusalem where it started. And it wasn’t because of the brilliance of a few key leaders or the efforts of a few pastors, ministers or evangelists. Impact happened beyond the walls of Jerusalem as the Gospel caused ordinary Christians–moms, dads, children, farmers, lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs to bring the message of the Gospel to life in word and deed in the places they lived, worked, and played. And here’s what happened–people responded because someone they knew, worked with, or shared daily life with, took the time to share Jesus with them through words and through the way they cared for people. This is how the early church had gospel impact beyond cultural walls.
This Sunday we are going to look at a passage from Jeremiah 29 that will help us develop a foundation for Gospel impact beyond our church walls. See you Sunday.