As a local church we share a vision that we would be transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ for the sake of our city and world.  Over the last few months our Elder team and other leaders in our body have been asking the Lord and discussing ”What is the one area of transformation that Jesus wants to collectively do in us as a body, for the remainder of 2022 through 2023?”.

The word that He kept bringing to our attention is “connected”.

The COVID-19 pandemic forged new rhythms in our lives, many positive, but one struggle has been the challenge of being connected as a body.  COVID in some ways has perpetuated in Downtown Hope, our culture’s struggle (specifically the East Coast) with individualism and isolation.  While we see the Lord restoring relationships and forging deeper connections there are many new people in the mix with Downtown Hope and some who have been away and are just now returning.

In 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 Paul is recounting his ministry and love for the Thessalonian believers.  In v.8 he expresses his affection for them and his readiness to share his life with them- a desire for deeper connectivity.

Our team’s prayer is that this next season will be about the Lord connecting us deeper with one another and in Christ!  This means us strengthening our community group rhythms, sharing meals, redesigning our space for optimal connectivity with one another, clarifying our communication and fostering overall deeper cohesion.  Our prayer is that by the end of 2023 we are more deeply connected in Christ with one another than we have ever been!

  • The Downtown Hope Theology Team

Connected | 1 Thessalonians 2.8

August 21, 2022 | DAVID BEMPONG

The COVID-19 pandemic forged new rhythms in our lives, many positive, but one struggle has been the challenge of being connected as a body. While we see the Lord restoring relationships and forging deeper connections, there are many new people in the mix with Downtown Hope and some who have been away and are just now returning. In 1 Thessalonians 2 Paul recounts his ministry and love for the Thessalonian believers. In v.8 he expresses his affection for them and his readiness to share his life with them - a desire for deeper connectivity. Our team’s prayer is that this next season will be about the Lord connecting us deeper with one another and in Christ!

LISTEN: Connected
David Bempong

The Shared Life | 1 Thessalonians 2.8

August 28, 2022 | JOEY TOMASSONI

In 1 Thessalonians 2, the Apostle Paul recounts his ministry to the Thessalonians. In v.8 he pens something astonishing- that the deep love he has for his brothers and sisters in Christ wasn't only to share the gospel but to share his very life. As a culture drunk on individualism, the sharing of life might be one of the most counter-cultural practices of 21st-century life. Join us this Sunday as Joey concludes our #realtalk series "Connected" as we explore what it might look like for us to share life together more fully compelled by the One who shared His life in the fullest.

LISTEN: The Shared Life